"Sweetart" Inglis 39 Coffs Hbr to Newcastle July 2019
July 2019...
What a great boat! New owner Stephen rang me from my home port marina at Coffs Harbour asking if there was any chance of me assisting him with the delivery to Newcastle 'tomorrow'. Checking my diary, there was only 3 appointments that would need to be rescheduled (including the dentist) so I dropped everything grabbed my bag and was on board. Very light conditions for the first day and night meant a gentle motor down the coast with a bit of help from 1-2kt southerly set. Next day a nice west, south west so put up the jib for an extra knot of speed.
Sweetart is a very well appointed yacht with all gear set up to be raced either fully crewed or short handed and has done both including a couple of Hobarts.
I wish Stephen and his family all the best and thank him for the opportunity to spend a most enjoyable couple of days with him.